Bone Yards: Massive, colossal, graveyards all around the World!
Many of the following examples include marine and land animals buried together; a practical impossibility, except for a massive, catastrophic global flood.
Desert Finds
· Sahara Desert, Africa: two sauropods (huge long-necked dinosaurs) piled on top of one another, covered in river sediments; victims of a great flood, per Paul Sareno, on the National Geographic special “Dinosaur Fever”, December 13, 1998
· Egyptian Whales: Fossils in a kitchen counter; countertop mfgr. in Italy, discovered a fossil in a slab of limestone marble that was being cut and ground for a high-end kitchen counter; the marble was from Egypt, a region that is 95% desert; paleontologists have been digging up whale bones there for decades; per National Geographic, Egypt’s desert is littered with marine life; it is an area “…once covered by the ocean” (millions of years ago!)
· Atacama; Northern Chile: a six hundred mile desert strip, 7000′ (1.33 miles) above sea level, representing the driest place in the world (50 times drier than Death valley, in California); no life form, nothing rots (indigenous people buried there well preserved-few microorganisms survive that can break down body tissues); Giant 4.5′ tall penguins, Baleen whale fossils, myriads of megalodon teeth (gigantic forerunner to today’s Great White shark, up to 60′ long, 5′ mouth openings, w-teeth up to 8″ long!), ammonites and other marine fossils thrown around in an ancient flood deposit (see side bar above), prove the ocean water level in the area was once much greater than one mile above current sea level; in order for this to be true, the ocean water covering the Atacama could not have but covered an area far greater than local coverage, in all directions (in other words, this and other mountain fossil graveyards are by no means the product of “local” flooding); in fact, given the impracticality and the improbability of a sloping or ramping up of the ocean so as to cover the Atacama, it therefore cannot be but that at the time when ocean waters rose to a level higher than one mile over normal, all water levels worldwide must also have risen, which means that flooding was promoted at all similar levels all around the world! Thus, a 7000′ rise in sea level so that the Atacama is covered, mandates a 7000′ rise, wherever there is ocean water (see expert from, at the beginning of this piece.). Hence, when the Chilean Desert was covered, so was most if not all similar points American, the Mt. Etna caves, in Sicily and the Gobi, in Mongolia!
· Gobi Desert: dinosaur beds; “bone yard of the lost world”; 3000′ to 5000′ above sea level; 300 miles of rocky desert, the world’s fifth largest, entirely sand on the western end; known for its important paleontological finds, which include mammals, the first dinosaur eggs and coal (an organic mineral and energy source, containing the remains of plants and animals, meaning it is a “fossil” fuel)
African finds
· Karoo Formation, of southern Africa: immense and densely packed with bones (some claim 800 billion vertebrate animals, a number that may be a bit farfetched); bones are still sticking out of the ground, after years of collecting; sediment composition is mostly sandstone and shale, up to 20,000′ deep, across hundreds of miles (800 billion may not be so farfetched after all)! It is unmatched by any other fossil find anywhere else on earth. There is no way to account for this or any other such pile-up of bones, apart from the uplift imparted by a massive, surging flood of waters. It is not the consequence of millions of years of creatures falling on top of each other in death.
Asian Finds
· China, Jiayuguan: Chicken Bone Hill & Pao Te Hsien; the Liaoning fossil beds, site of dinosaur remains containing soft tissue and feathers; ancient relative of T. Rex; other massive fossil finds in China
· Monogolia, 2 days drive from Ulan Bator: 187 parrot-beaked dinosaurs (6.5′ lizard, with a mouth like a parrot), all found within an area of only several square miles, fossilized at the same time, obviously rapidly buried in a water-borne sediment.
· Siberian Russia: “The pinnacle of the great fossil graveyards must be that of the Arctic and Siberia.” Mammoths-an estimated five million-thousands of them, found “flash” frozen, as it were, in the permafrost, in northern Russia (while standing on their feet, alive, apparently before they could be overcome, lifted, and drowned by the flood waters!), along with elephants, horses, lions, foxes, camels and other species.
· West Indies, Guadeloupe: extremely hard limestone slab, almost a mile long-per records from the 18th century-containing the skeletons of many humans, who resemble modern day mankind; in a contradiction of “time”, per geologists, the 25 million year old rock actually lies 7′ to 10′ below a coral reef that (conversely, also by geological/paleontological reckoning) is only 1 million years old.
Australian Finds
· Tasmania, Fossil Bluff: many thousands of marine creatures, clams, snails, buried together in broken conditions, along with a toothed whale and a marsupial possum (impossible, absent a calamitous flood)
Sandstone Bed: coverage-400 square miles (roughly 20 miles x 20 miles) of outback Australia, houses millions of exquisitely preserved soft bodies of marine creatures
· Joggins, Nova Scotia: up to 12′ tall polystrate fossils standing with bases in the “Carboniferous” strata (the apparent region below the sedimentary fossil layers, subjected to greater pressures, and where the fossil fuels like coal are found)
European Finds
· Britain, Chalk Beds: burial site for many large ammonites (mullusks) and other marine creatures, an impossibility except as “many trillions of microscopic marine creatures” did the honors simultaneously, in a great catastrophe; can only form in shallow water, as the calcium carbonate shells of marine protozoa and algae would dissolve on their way to the bottom, in a deep ocean
A Global Fossil Graveyard: these chalk beds, which begin in the UK, are universal; they stretch all the way across Europe to the Middle East, and, beyond, to the Midwest of the US; thus, chalk beds found in North America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa are of the same age, and, they rest upon the same type of glauconitic sandstone-which means and proves that they all had to have been formed at the same time by the same phenomenon, that being a miraculously instigated global flood of waters, that form a shallow sea, covering the whole earth.
England, Fifeshire: well-preserved fish found in sandstone, in quantities of more than 1000/sq. yard
· France, Montceau-les-Mines: fossil graveyard containing “…hundreds of thousands of marine creatures…buried with amphibians, spiders, scorpions, millipedes, insects, and reptiles.” A group of poly-strate tree trunks, passing through many layers of sediment rock.
· Germany, ; polystrate tree trunks, a large number of them, in an open-cast mine, that pass through 20′ or more of different types of sedimentary rock layers, which means they were buried quickly, not over millions of years (otherwise decomposition would have destroyed the positions above the lowest layer!)
· Italy, Sicily: Mt. Etna, 4000′ above sea level-two graves, each crammed and jam packed with thousands of hippopotamus bones; the beds of these bones are said to be so extensive that they are mined as a source of charcoal!
· Malta: island nation approx. 60 miles south of Sicily, has a bone yard mixture of lions, tigers, mammoths, birds, beavers, hippopotamus and foxes-said to be awe inspiring for quantity. One cave on Malta has many more fossils than it could ever possibly support for even one week!
· Scotland: fish beds of the Scottish Devonian Stratum
· Spain, near Cuenca: Lo Hueco, a massive graveyard, biggest ever discovered in Europe, a spectacular find of dinosaurs and other creatures, all grouped together in clay and silt sediment deposits, densely packed on a small hill-highly suggestive of flooding, according to paleontologist Jose Sanz, from the Autonomous University of Madrid (other scientists apparently concur, given the presence of a ‘fluvial’ channel, citing potential for a natural catastrophe or ‘flash flood’, according to the online report “History: Lo Hueco Cuenca”, by M. P., and Fernando Escasco, quoted in an article on as citing “heavy flooding”.); thousands of fossils (8000 found as of Dec. 10, 2007); eight different species of dinosaur, 14 crocodiles, dozens of tortoises; several types of armor-clad plant eating sauropods called titanosaurs, which number among the world’s largest, being huge having long necks. They are the site’s most numerous remains. Pre-historic turtles and crocodiles also figure in abundance at the site. The site is said to provide new proofs that the dinosaur count was not in decline, as rather their numbers were flourishing, at the time of death (this according to M. P., to Sanz in the article “Builders uncover fossil bonanza that may add pieces to a puzzle”, by John Roach). Evolutionists are in conflict as to the dating of the fossils relative to extinction: the M. P. report says they lived 15 million years before, the John Roach report says these creatures lived 4 million years before extinction.
· Russia, European; Baltic Amber Beads: fish beds
USA Finds
· Alaska, : thousands of mammoth bones, many not fossilized; frozen carcasses have been found, intact, with undigested food in both their mouths and in their stomachs (in addition to the ones in Siberian Russia), strongest possible implication (proof, actually!) of a sudden, swift death and burial; non-fossilized dinosaur bones as well; “Dinosaur Jack” Horner, of the University of Montana, found a bone (where not clear) that not only was not fossilized, but when examined on a whim under a microscope by a medical pathologist, was discovered to have blood, complete with hemoglobin and blood vessels
· Alabama, Birmingham: several feet tall polystrate trees in the Warrior Creek coal field (John MacKay, “Research Discoveries”, Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 8, June 23, 1986)
· Arizona, Grand Canyon: Redwall Limestone, billions of straight shelled chambered nautiloids, fossilized with other marine creatures in a 7′ thick layer of sediment, as part of a grave yard spanning 180 miles, into southern Nevada (total area covered: 10,500 sq. miles)
· California, Hollywood: A Death pit contains eagles, doves and roughly 250 saber toothed tigers, along with 50 elephants. There were no elephants, and, not one horse in America when the Spaniards came, nonetheless, hundreds and thousands have been found buried, fossilized in the sedimentary record.
Bakersfield, Sharktooth Hill Bone Bed (a short distance outside and northeast of the city): most extensive deposit of marine life anywhere on earth, discovered in the 1850s; 200 bones on average, per yard, in an area 6″ to 20″ thick, 50 miles long (10 miles now exposed!); loaded with sharks teeth as big as a hand, weighing as much as one pound, from prehistoric, giant monsters called megalodons (ancestors to the Great Whites).
The absence of volcanic ash, teeth marks on all but 5 of 3000 bones examined, and more than a very few young seals rule out the possibility for mass death by volcanic eruption, a feeding ground for giant sharks, or a breeding ground for seals. The presence of land mammals such as horses and tapirs makes red tide, a toxic sea phenomenon, highly unlikely.
Also in California, fossilized fish have been found petrified, having opened mouths, arched backs and spread fins (meaning they were alive, struggling to survive when they became suddenly engulfed in muddy, sediment filled, raging waters). Many practically stand on end, so that their bodies past through two strata, making and signifying that the lower portion of any given such fish is millions of years older than the upper portion (by paleontological reckoning)! Preposterous, of course! Estimates run as high as billions per an area of four square miles.
Side Bar
A Step in the Right Direction
Clinging to a stubborn refusal to acquiesce to the practicality and viability of the Bible’s global flood, at least we can now have paleontological admission that no meteorite caused this or any other of the colossal graves found all over the world. “The fossils in the bone bed itself seem mostly scattered, as if…dispersed by currents.” This marks a step in the right direction. The bones show signs of rot, as if they lay on the seafloor for some time, “abraded by water with sand in it,” according to researcher Jere Lipps of the UC Berkeley. The presence of manganese nodules and growths, formations that occur on bones that are subjected for extended periods to seawater prior to coverage with sediment, is also strongly suggestive. Before concluding once again with the sublimely ridiculous, scientists familiar with this dig do allude to a covering by sediment that was swept away by sea currents, which account for the “big and shifting pile” of bones. Nicholas Pyenson of the University of British Columbia denies any potential for sediment deposition.
There is a layer above the bone bed in which most of the skeletons are yet joined together, as they would be in life, “…encased in sediment”. (end of side bar)
· Colorado, Florissant: a huge variety of insects, freshwater mollusks, fish, birds and several hundred plant species (with nuts and blossoms), all buried together. Substantive, quality preservation of bees and birds requires rapid burial.
· Florida, Tampa: from diverse ecological nitches (plains, forests, lakes, and oceans) 70 species of animals, birds and creatures aquatic; 80% of the smashed and jumbled bones are from plains mammals (camels, horses, mammoths, Bears, wolves, large cats-as well as a bird having a 30′ wingspan.). There are also mixes of freshwater and saltwater fish bones, sharks teeth, turtle shells.
· Illinois, Chicago: Mazon Creek coal beds and associated shale layer, “…100,000 fossils, representing 400 species…” A “spectacular graveyard” that includes ferns, insects, scorpions, and tetrapods buried with jellyfish, mollusks, crustaceans, and fish, often with soft parts exquisitely preserved”.
· Montana, Egg Mountain: 12 miles west of Choteau, 10,000 (of a possible 30,000!) Hadrosaurs, found piled together in a jumble suggestive of a mass death. Their fossilized bones were located in an area of 1.5 to 2 miles. The site contains the largest cache of dinosaur eggs, embryos, and skeletons of babies, and, the largest concentration of adult dinosaurs ever, anywhere.
· Nebraska; Agate Springs: 9,000 complete animal carcasses of all kinds, buried simultaneously, in one hill that covers a wide area!
Another Fossil Graveyard contains rhinos, horses, and camels buried in volcanic ash, covering several hundred square miles, up to 10 ft. deep in places. The eruption was 100 times Mt. St. Helens and may have happened during the flood. An example of the weight and devastation that can be wrought by volcanic ash can be seen in the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines incident, following an eruption that threw heavy wet ash onto Clark Air Base, covering the ground and destroying buildings in the process. Up to 60′ of ash fell upon Herculaneum in AD 79, when Mt. Vesuvius erupted.
· Nebraska, Neligh: Ashfall Fossil Beds, have nothing to do with the flood; interesting solely because it is the only place in the world having large numbers of mammals-17 species, more than 200 skeletons of rhinos (the most numerous), camels, three-toed horses, and other vertebrate-preserved whole, in three-dimensional skeletons. All bones are still in their proper order, joined together. They died near a watering hole. There are no dinosaurs.
· New Mexico, : Seismosaurous, largest dinosaur found to date; may have a lot of real bone, as well as bone protein
· New Mexico, Abaquiu; Ghost Ranch: one of the richest dinosaur finds in the world (see side bar above); cause of death, “Paleontologists believe that the collection of fossils was the result of a mass death…a flash flood buried them in a muddy sediment where they were preserved”, before they could decompose, or, be eaten by scavengers
· Utah; : many dinosaur fossil graveyards
· Utah, Colorado: Dinosaur National Monument fossil quarry-site of 1,600 fossilized dinosaur bones; 350 million tons of fossils, inclusive of complete skeletons, have been excavated thus far; 2000 dinosaur bones have been left exposed
· Wyoming, Green River Formation (a most intriguing and significant find, given that there has been no known instance of ocean waters this far inland, for millennia; it is held to be a “4000-year deposition” that formed “in deep water, far from shore”): fossilized fish died in the act of swallowing another fish (fossil shown in a photograph by Dr. Andrew Snelling, who holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney. He also has photos of fossils that depict a female, 6′ long marine reptile called an ichthyosaur, fossilized in the act of giving birth, as well as an exquisitely preserved, fossilized jellyfish-which, being delicate in the extreme, are known for melting in sunlight and being destroyed when crashed by waves onto beaches. Each of these facts and more require rapid fossilization of creatures while they are alive, as can only occur during a cataclysm of water, such as the Bible’s flood.)! Meanwhile, back in Green River, there are alligators, fish (sunfish, deep sea bass, chubs, pickerel, herring, and garpike 3-7′ long), birds, turtles, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans, many varieties of insects, and palm leaves 7-9′ long, all buried together
· Tennessee, : polystrate tree, 12′ tall, showing signs of decay within three months, meaning the several layers of strata surrounding it took place in less time than that-not over millions of years.
A Lepidodedrid Tree, standing with its base in the Pewee Coal seam, reaches another 20′ high through layers of sedimentary rock (from “The Creation-evolution Controversy” By R. L. Wysong)
· Texas, : Paluxy River channel, human foot prints in the fossil record
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